Impressum - NL
Name of the company that operates the website incl. the corporate form, e.g. GmbH, B.V., etc. |
Address: [please insert the full address of the company incl. street, street number and postal code] |
Sharp Home Appliances Benelux (Division of Vestel Holland B.V.) |
Stationsplein 45, A2-191 |
Phone: [please insert the company’s phone number] |
010 - 4122366 |
E-Mail: [please insert the company’s email address, e.g. contact@....] |
Fax: [please insert the company’s fax number, if available] |
NA |
Registry court: [please insert the registry court, if available] |
Register no.: [please insert the number of the trade register] |
24253651 |
VAT identification no.: [please insert the VAT number] |
NL803482395B01 |
Managing Director(s): [please insert both the first name and surname of the managing director(s)] |
Seçkin Mazlum Gençoğlu |
Roy Barendregt |
Umut Canbaz |